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Connection Class
A managed in-process object store connection.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Obujekutoru
Assembly: obujekutoru (in obujekutoru.dll) Version:
public sealed class Connection : IDisposable

The Connection type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleConnection(String, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the Connection class.
Public methodCode exampleConnection(String, EncryptionType, String, Boolean)
Initializes a new instance of the Connection class.
Public propertyEncryptionKey
The encryption key used for data encryption.
Public propertyEncryptionType
The encryption type used for data encryption.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets a value indicating whether the current object is disposed.
Public propertyPersistentObjectDataFolderPath
The persistent object data folder path.
Public methodCode exampleDeletePersistentObject
Deletes a persistent object from the data store.
Public methodCode exampleDeletePersistentObjectAsync
Deletes a persistent object from the data store as an asynchronous operation.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Connection instance.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleInsertPersistentObject
Inserts a persistent object in the data store.
Public methodCode exampleInsertPersistentObjectAsync
Inserts a persistent object in the data store as an asynchronous operation.
Public methodSelectPersistentObject(Type, PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection, PersistentObjectFieldSorterCollection, Int32, Int32)
Public methodCode exampleSelectPersistentObjectPersistentObjectType(PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection, PersistentObjectFieldSorterCollection, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves a list of the persistent objects from the data store.
Public methodCode exampleSelectPersistentObjectAsync(Type, PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection, PersistentObjectFieldSorterCollection, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves a list of the persistent objects from the data store as an asynchronous operation.
Public methodCode exampleSelectPersistentObjectAsyncPersistentObjectType(PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection, PersistentObjectFieldSorterCollection, Int32, Int32)
Retrieves a list of the persistent objects from the data store as an asynchronous operation.
Public methodSelectPersistentObjectCount(Type, PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection)
Public methodCode exampleSelectPersistentObjectCountPersistentObjectType(PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection)
Retrieves the count of persistent objects from the data store.
Public methodSelectPersistentObjectCountAsync(Type, PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection)
Public methodCode exampleSelectPersistentObjectCountAsyncPersistentObjectType(PersistentObjectFieldFilterCollection)
Retrieves the count of persistent objects from the data store as an asynchronous operation.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodCode exampleUpdatePersistentObject
Updates a persistent object from the data store.
Public methodCode exampleUpdatePersistentObjectAsync
Updates a persistent object from the data store as an asynchronous operation.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Obujekutoru;

namespace ObujekutoruExamples.ConnectionExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String dataFolderPath = @"C:\Temp\ObujekutoruData";
            EncryptionType encryptionType = EncryptionType.DESEncryption;
            String encryptionKey = "A proavo habui, quod publicos litterarum ludos non frequentavi, et domi bonis praeceptoribus usus...";

            using (Connection connection = new Connection(dataFolderPath, encryptionType, encryptionKey, true))
                PersistentObjectE persistentObjectE1 = new PersistentObjectE("persistent object E1");
                PersistentObjectE persistentObjectE2 = new PersistentObjectE("persistent object E2");
                PersistentObjectE persistentObjectE3 = new PersistentObjectE("persistent object E3");


                List<PersistentObject> persistentObjects = connection.SelectPersistentObject(
                        "persistentObjectName", PersistentObjectFieldSortOperator.Ascending),
                    1, Int32.MaxValue);

                Console.WriteLine("persistentObjects[0] = {0}", (persistentObjects[0] as PersistentObjectE).PersistentObjectName);
                Console.WriteLine("persistentObjects[1] = {0}", (persistentObjects[1] as PersistentObjectE).PersistentObjectName);
                Console.WriteLine("persistentObjects[2] = {0}", (persistentObjects[2] as PersistentObjectE).PersistentObjectName);

    internal class PersistentObjectE : PersistentObject
        [PersistentObjectField("persistentObjectName", true)]
        private String _persistentObjectName;

        public PersistentObjectE()
        { }
        public PersistentObjectE(String persistentObjectName)
            _persistentObjectName = persistentObjectName;

        public String PersistentObjectName
            get { return _persistentObjectName; }
                _persistentObjectName = value;

See Also